“Few journals were submitted to the competition, but AAA is easily the handsomest we saw. The new design stands out because of the luxurious and well-placed illustrations and because it combines an elegant, versatile page design with fine-grained typographic sophistication.”
—Robert Bringhurst, juror, 2018 AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
“A nicely conceived design that responds to cover imagery in intelligent and engaging ways.”
—Sunra Thompson, juror, 2018 AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
2018 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Journal Design
Archives of Asian Art vol. 672018 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Jackets and Covers
Archives of Asian Art vol. 67 (67:1 and 67:2)
Public Culture vol. 29 (29:1, 29:2, 29:3)2018 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Award for Best Journal Design
Archives of Asian Art2015 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Award for Best Journal Design
Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies
Congratulations to our award winners2018 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Award for Best Journal Design
Archives of Asian Art2009 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Journal Design
Public Culture
I redesigned the journal to update its graphic identity.2007 Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for Journal Design
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
I redesigned CSSAAME after it came to the Press from another publisher.2003 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Best Journal Design Award
Radical History Review
I redesigned RHR after it came to the Press from another publisher.2002 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Award for Best Journal Design
Camera Obscura
I redesigned Camera Obscura after it came to the Press from another publisher.2001 CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) Award for Best Journal Design
I redesigned Theater after it came to the Press from another publisher.2000 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Journal Design
I redesigned Theater after it came to the Press from another publisher.1997 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Journal Design
I redesigned Transition after it came to the Press from another publisher.1997 AUP (Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Award for
Journal Design
The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
I redesigned JMEMS to signal its new editorial direction.1991 AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) Communication Graphics Design Annual award (Graphic Design USA 12)
“Healthy Additions” brochure for Glaxo (see examples in Marketing)